Virtually no one in Alabama wants to come out on the other side of divorce worse for the wear, but it is important to acknowledge that most people will experience at least some initial financial repercussions. In general, careful planning and an eye for detail can minimize these types of impacts. But what happens if one person is purposely lying about the situation to avoid handling his or her fair share of the divorce? There are a few things to keep in mind when dealing with this type of family law issue.
It is not necessarily uncommon for one person to turn down a settlement offer because he or she cannot afford it. If the other party suspects that he or she is lying about this, social media could hold some important clues. Take, for example, this exact situation when a husband turns down a settlement offer because of financial concerns, but later brags about an expensive vacation and bonus from work. This type of information can be used to demonstrate that a person is indeed financially capable of taking a proposed settlement.
But what if the other party is not a chronic oversharer on social media? One of the best steps a person can take before or in the early stages of divorce is to gather as much relative financial information as possible. This means obtaining hard copies of bank account information — including account numbers and balances — investment documents, information on retirement accounts, mortgage payments and any other relevant information. It is much harder for a soon-to-be ex-spouse to claim that he or she cannot afford a settlement when the other person has evidence to the contrary.
Divorce can be a complicated matter both legally and emotionally. Some people in Alabama even resent the idea of having to make concessions during family law proceedings, such as letting go of a certain asset during property division or agreeing to alimony payments. However, those who carefully prepare and seek guidance when necessary might be better prepared to handle this type of behavior during a divorce.