A long-time law enforcement officer was recently arrested on multiple felony allegations. The former Alabama sheriff’s sergeant allegedly violated criminal law when he used his position for his own personal gain and possibly engaged in third-degree theft. A judge set his bond at $40,000.
When the current county sheriff received information that a sergeant had possibly committed a crime during another sheriff’s administration, he began an investigation. After determining that the information might be valid, he involved the State Bureau of Investigation. The SBI took over the investigation and and concluded that the sergeant had used property that had been stored as evidence to cover the cost of some mechanical work.
When the sergeant learned of the warrants for his arrest, he resigned from his position in the Criminal Investigations Division and surrendered at the county jail.
When criminal allegations are very serious, some accused individuals might feel like their situations are hopeless. This is not the case. It is very important to create a thorough defense for all types of criminal law charges, even those that may seem frivolous or too serious to defend. However, a defense plan that is appropriate for a misdemeanor charge might not be suitable for a felony, so Alabama defendants typically decide that seeking guidance will help them plan accordingly.