What makes a drug crime a federal offense?

On Behalf of | Apr 12, 2021 | Criminal Law |

Drug charges of any kind are a significant threat to your future. A conviction could land you behind bars, and the consequences can impact virtually every area of your life. No matter what you are up against, you would be wise to fight for your future interests with a carefully crafted defense strategy.

The first step in preparing your defense plan is to understand the charges against you, starting with whether they are federal or state charges. Certain elements can elevate a drug offense to a federal level, which means the stakes are higher and the punishments more severe. This distinction could have a significant impact on your future.

A federal crime

There are both state and federal drug laws. Frequently, federal drug cases involve trafficking. If a drug operation is large scale, crosses state lines, involves a large amount of drugs, involves controlled substances or dangerous drugs, it could be a federal case. In most state-level drug cases, the charges involve possession. While state cases can result in serious penalties, federal cases generally come with more significant consequences.

Many federal cases involve controlled substances, which include both prescription drugs and manufactured drugs. These cases often involve the sale, manufacturing or distribution of the controlled substances. The consequences for a conviction of distribution or trafficking depends on the amount of drugs involved and the type, as well as the location of where the offense took place and the defendant’s criminal history.

Your future is on the line

Facing federal drug charges comes with the possibility of facing years or even decades behind bars. Regardless of what is on your criminal record, you have the right to defend your future. This process begins with an in-depth understanding of the case against you, allowing you to prepare a defense strategy uniquely suited to the details of your case.

Facing federal drug charges is a complex and overwhelming prospect. You have the right to a presumption of innocence, and you can protect your interests even if you do not receive formal charges yet. Your defense needs may begin during the investigative stage. It could be wise to explore your legal options and learn about the rights you have even if there are no formal charges against you at this time.


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