Car accidents that result in fatalities are events that take place all too often. Having a loved one taken so suddenly can come as a substantial shock to anyone, and when the death occurred as a result of someone else’s negligence, the situation can seem even more traumatic. As a result, when a car crash claims the life of a family member, surviving loved ones may consider seeking compensation.
It was recently reported that an accident in Alabama claimed the life of one person. The incident apparently took place at an intersection and involved two vehicles. A 31-year-old woman was driving a vehicle and entered the intersection when her car was hit by another vehicle. It was unclear which driver had the right of way. Emergency services were alerted to the crash, and personnel arrived on the scene at approximately 5:30 p.m.
The incident resulted in the woman being trapped inside the vehicle, and she suffered fatal injuries as a result of the collision. The driver of the other car was transported from the scene by ambulance but details regarding that individual’s injuries were not given in the report. The accident was likely still under investigation.
If the surviving driver is deemed at fault for the fatal car crash, the family of the deceased victim may have cause to file a wrongful death claim. This type of legal claim could allow them to pursue compensation and justice for their loss and other damages permitted under Alabama state law. Information on this option may help them better determine whether they would like to take this route.
Source:, “Lanett woman killed in Opelika traffic accident“, Duke Maas, Sept. 13, 2017