The unexpected loss of a loved one is devastating, and it can leave your family dealing with various financial and legal complications. In addition to the grief you are experiencing, you may also find yourself with medical bills, loss of income and other issues that may affect your family long-term. A death is an expensive, stressful and traumatic event, and you may need support in order to pick up the pieces and move forward.
If the death of your loved one is the result of the reckless or negligent actions of another person, you could have grounds to pursue legal action. A wrongful death claim may provide your family with the opportunity to recoup your losses and secure compensation for various damages. It may be helpful to understand the elements required for a wrongful death claim and whether you have a valid case.
Seeking justice after tragedy
If your family believes there is grounds to pursue litigation after the death of a loved one, it will be helpful to first understand the elements that must be present in order to have a valid and successful wrongful death claim. These include:
- The death of a family member
- Proof the death was the result of the negligent or harmful actions of another party
- Evidence that the death is causing financial loss and ongoing struggles
- The designation of a single person to act as the representative of the estate
A wrongful death claim often arises out of an accident, such as a car crash, medical malpractice, airplane accident or other type of emergency. These claims can also arise out of situations involving criminal activity, occupational exposure or death during a supervised activity. Wrongful death claims are time-sensitive, and if you believe this is an appropriate course of action, it is prudent to move quickly in order to learn about the legal options available to you.
Fighting for the interests of your family
The death of a loved one can be a devastating blow for an Alabama family. While no amount of compensation can reverse what happened, pursuing a civil claim may provide you the opportunity to secure the financial recovery you and your loved ones need to pick up the pieces and move forward. If you are unsure of whether you have a valid claim, it may be helpful to learn about the elements of a wrongful death case and what steps will be necessary to initiate the civil justice process.