Allegations of a criminal offense can result in repercussions that can impact the rest of a person’s life. If convicted of a crime, it can result in penalties that may include time behind bars, expensive fines and more. A conviction can leave a permanent mark on one’s record and affect personal reputation, future opportunities and more. This can be particularly serious for youthful offenders.
Thankfully, there are options for youthful offenses. Alabama has a youthful offender statute that provides special provisions for individuals who are age 21 and under. If you are a younger individual facing criminal charges, you will benefit from knowing about the legal options available to you and an understanding of how you can develop the most beneficial defense strategy for your individual situation.
What is the youthful offender statute?
When a defendant has youthful offender status, it can benefit his or her defense. However, some individuals opposed to the statute believe that it unfairly applies across different populations. Others believe it is a way for younger offenders to get a second chance after allegedly committing a criminal act. A defendant age 21 and younger has the right to request youthful offender status, but the court does not have to grant it. In cases where the severity of the crime is significant, a court is unlikely to grant youthful offender status.
Since at least 1975, the youthful offender statute has been part of Alabama’s penal code. The intent of this statute is to bring elements of the juvenile system into the adult court system. It provides a way for younger criminal defendants to face reduced impacts in the event of a criminal conviction. If granted, the conviction will not be on the defendant’s record. After applying for this statute, the court will review the request and take different elements of the defendant’s life into consideration.
Seeking the best outcome when facing charges
After an arrest or the filing of formal charges, or while under investigation, a defendant will benefit from having experienced guidance on his or her side. This is particularly important if the individual is young. It is important not to underestimate the potential impact of a criminal charge on one’s record and to take immediate steps to protect future interests.