An Alabama community recently said goodbye to a teenager who was killed in a serious accident. Police believe the head-on collision was not her fault, but rather that of a driver who was traveling in the wrong lane of traffic. Two other vehicles collided with one another at the same time, possibly as one or both drivers tried to maneuver out of harm’s way.
On Friday, May 22, 2020, the 18-year-old high school student was out driving, apparently without any passengers. On the road where she was traveling, several vehicles heading northbound side-swerved to avoid a car that pulled into traffic. At that same time, she was heading southbound, and one of the northbound vehicles hit her head-on, then collided with the other northbound traveler.
The teen driver was supposed to graduate in just four short days but, instead, died from her injuries. The driver who struck her vehicle suffered serious but not life-threatening injuries and was taken to the hospital for treatment. The two other drivers from the second wreck survived without serious injuries and did not require hospitalization.
To have a loved one’s life unexpectedly cut short is devastating, especially when his or her death might have been avoided. But in Alabama, reckless drivers who cause serious and even fatal accidents can be held accountable for their actions. Following a victim’s death in a motor vehicle collision, surviving family members can choose to seek recovery of financial losses and justice through a wrongful death claim.